.. _plugins: Plug-ins ======== .. _plugins: Plugins ------- `Plugin extensions`_ are an easy way of adding new features to Alerta that meet a specific end-user requirement. .. _Plugin extensions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plug-in_(computing) Core ~~~~ `Core plugins`_ have been developed as examples of common use-cases. .. _Core plugins: https://github.com/alerta/alerta/tree/master/alerta/plugins * `Reject`_ - reject alerts before processing. used to enforce custom alert format policies * `Blackout`_ - suppression handler that will drop alerts that match a blackout period .. _Reject: https://github.com/alerta/alerta/blob/master/alerta/plugins/reject.py .. _Blackout: https://github.com/alerta/alerta/blob/master/alerta/plugins/blackout.py Contrib ~~~~~~~ More than two dozen `contributed plugins`_ are made available for popular tools. Some of the most popular are: .. _Contributed plugins: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins * AMQP_ - publish alerts to an AMQP fanout topic after processing * Cachet_ - create incidents for display on Cachet status page * Enhance_ - add new information to an alert based on existing information * `GeoIP Location`_ - use remote IP address to submitted alert to add location data * HipChat_ - send alerts to HipChat room * InfluxDB_ - send alerts to InfluxDB for graphing with Grafana * `Logstash/Kibana`_ - send alerts to logstash agent after processing * `Normalise`_ - ensure alerts a formatted in a consistent manner * `PagerDuty Plugin`_ - send alerts to PagerDuty (webhooks used to receive callbacks) * `Prometheus Silencer`_ - silence alerts in Prometheus Alertmanager if ack'ed in Alerta * `Pushover.net`_ - send alerts to Pushover.net * Slack_ - send alerts to Slack room * `AWS SNS`_ - publish alerts to SNS topic after processing * `Syslog Logger`_ - send alerts via syslog * `Telegram Bot`_ - send alerts to Telegram channel * `Twilio SMS`_ - send alerts via SMS using Twilio .. _AMQP: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/amqp .. _Cachet: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/cachet .. _Enhance: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/enhance .. _`GeoIP Location`: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/geoip .. _HipChat: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/hipchat .. _InfluxDB: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/influxdb .. _Logstash/Kibana: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/logstash .. _Normalise: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/normalise .. _PagerDuty Plugin: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/pagerduty .. _Prometheus Silencer: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/prometheus .. _`Pushover.net`: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/pushover .. _Slack: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/slack .. _AWS SNS: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/sns .. _Syslog Logger: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/syslog .. _Telegram Bot: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/telegram .. _`Twilio SMS`: https://github.com/alerta/alerta-contrib/tree/master/plugins/twilio custom error responses